Friday, November 17, 2023 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturday, November 18, 2023 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Sunday, November 19, 2023 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Classes Offered
Friday – Urban Locating Master Grand Champion (II, III, GCH) One reset
Saturday – Shed and Urban Locating (PAT I II) No resets
Sunday – Lost Item and TL (PAT I II III), Brace (I II III) No resets
Entries Entries open October 21, 2023
Pre-entries close November 10, 2023 midnight or when judging
limit is reached.
Judging Entry Limits: 4 hours Friday & Saturday, 8 hours Sunday
Entry Fees
Friday: $50 ULMCH Trial, $75/ULGCH Trial
Late/Day of Show Add $10 per Trial
Saturday and Sunday: $10 per PAT entry, $20 per entry
Late or Day of Show: Add $5 per entry
Dogs must be registered with the North American Sport Dog Association. Registration is a one-time fee. You may register your dog online at NASDA Registration.
For complete rules, visit
Awards will be handed out at the conclusion of the trial. Ribbons are awarded for qualifying score, High in Trial, and Best of Breed. New title ribbons will be awarded.
Exhibitors will be crating in their vehicles. Terrier Performance Club of Northeast Oklahoma (TPC NEOK) reserves the right to remove any individual for any reason from the premises. No refunds will be issued. Please pack food and water for you and your dog. Smoking or vaping will be permitted in the designated smoking area (outside of the fenced trial grounds along E 474 Road). Absolutely no alcohol or drug use allowed during the trials. If suspected, you will be asked to leave immediately with no refund and your entries will not be accepted at any future Terrier Performance Club event.